Get Help

Get Food

Food Pantries Schedule

Upcoming Food Pantry Closures

  • Tuesday, December 24 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025




9:00am - 10:30am

Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo Dia Jerusalen

198 South Broadway, Lawrence
Iglesia Adventista

5:30pm - 6:30pm

First Church Methuen
26 Pleasant St, Methuen

*The Food Pantry is at the rear parking lot of the Church on High Street, Methuen.


9:00am - 10:30am

Neil Playstead

188 Lawrence St., Methuen (next to St. Monica’s Church)


9:00am - 10:30am

Boys and Girls Club

136 Water Street, Lawrence
boys and girls club

4:00pm - 5:00pm

Andover South Church

41 Central Street, Andover
 Andover South Church


9:00am - 10:30am

Ministerio Apostolico Jesucristo es el Senor

96 East Haverhill Street, Lawrence
neighbors in need truck route

What to Expect at Neighbors In Need Mobile Market Food Pantries

What’s In A Bag?

First Time?

Pantry Specific Information

South Church, Andover and Boys & Girls Club, Lawrence Food Pantries

First Church, Methuen Food Pantry

Your use of the Food Pantry is entirely confidential. The data we collect is for fundraising purposes to help us know what food to buy for the food pantry. It also allows us to serve USDA products at our food pantries. The basic information you tell us will only be reported to our funders in general terms.

NIN is an independent non-profit organization, and not affiliated with any of the host agencies where our pantries are located. We are grateful to all our food pantry hosts who generously allow us to operate in these facilities.

Get Diapers

Diaper Pantry Schedule


60 Island St., Suite 74B
Lawrence, MA 01840

neighbors in need diaper pantry location

Upcoming Diaper Pantry Closures

  • Tuesday, December 24 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Monday: 10am – 12pm
Tuesday: 9am – 12pm
Wednesday: 12:30pm – 2:30pm
Thursday:  No Diaper Pantry
Friday: 9am – 12pm

Delivery is available. If you are unable to get to the diaper pantry, please call 978-699-3683 and leave a brief voicemail message with your name, phone number and how we can help.

Upcoming Diaper Pantry Closures

What to Expect at Neighbors In Need Diaper Pantry

Use of the diaper pantry is entirely confidential. The data we collect is intended to raise funds and to help us procure the needed diapers. The basic information we collect will only be reported to funders in general terms.  No identifying information is shared.

NIN may invite clients to complete optional anonymous surveys or to share testimonials to improve our services.  Participation does not impact individual services.

Bus Routes

Did You Know?

MEVA provides FREE public transportation to Neighbors In Need food pantries.

meva logo
Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo Dia Jerusalen
meva bus route 2
meva bus route 7
meva bus route 8
First Church Congregational
meva bus route 6
meva bus route 10
Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo Dia Jerusalen
meva bus route 6
Boys and Girls
meva bus route 5
Andover South
meva bus route 2
Ministerio Apostolico Jesucristo es el Senor
meva bus route 1
Diaper Pantry -
60 Island St.
meva bus route 9